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Want To Embrace Your Nakedness More? This Event Is For You!

Want To Embrace Your Nakedness More? This Event Is For You!

The naked body is a wonderful thing. However, we live in a society that shames, belittles, bullies, censors, and sexualises it. All of the subliminal messages often times leave us feeling deeply insecure or ashamed of our nakedness, encouraging us to cover up, hide our bodies, and ultimately impacts the relationship that we have with them – creating a mind-body disconnect that can take years of unlearning to shake.

The Candid Collective, run by Becky Lund-Harket, are responsible for some of the most fun but informative events in London with regards to sex, relationships, and bodies. Collaborating with experts, speakers, educators and artists, they’re creating a series of events and workshops that allows you to start conversations, not just with friends, family and strangers, but within yourself. Keeping it super relaxed and a comfortable environment for all, the aim of The Candid Collective is to focus on an unabashedly open and honest dialogue around the topics that so many people shy away from.

Their upcoming event, The Benefits of Nakedness, offers a double whammy of wonderful, and is perfect not only for those already working to find comfort in their naked bodies, but for those who might need that little eye-opener into the body, sexuality, and self love. The afternoon starts off with a talk by Dr Keon West, Reader of Psychology at Goldsmiths University, as he talks about his research based on the mental health benefits that come with nakedness. His research, teaching and activism around the subject has earned him myriad international awards, and has worked alongside the likes of the BBC World Service, Channel 4, and The Guardian. Additional to his academic work around nakedness, his research on sexual orientation, sexual health and prejudice against sexual minorities has shaped his impressive reputation.

The Benefits of Nakedness will not only offer Dr West’s talk (plus a short time for questions), but a treat from Body Love Sketch Club. Comprising of Ruby and Rosy, Body Love Sketch Club offers a life drawing class that’s truly one of a kind. The pair will take it in turns to model and facilitate the session, before inviting volunteers from the class to model (choosing to be as clothed or as naked as they wish!), and encouraging an accepting and fun dialogue around the naked body.

It’s important that we regularly check in with ourselves and our bodies, recognising the path in which our mind-body relationship is taking, and allowing yourself to be more compassionate and loving towards the sight that we see standing in front of the mirror each morning. If working towards total self love and positive mental health is your thing, then you won’t want to miss out!

For tickets and more details around The Benefits of Nakedness (20th April), click here.

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