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Justin Trudeau Spoke About Wiping Out 'Bro Culture' At The Latest HeForShe Event

Justin Trudeau Spoke About Wiping Out 'Bro Culture' At The Latest HeForShe Event


Politicians as our current climate knows them are (generally) awful creatures that seek to undo any progress that the world seemed to make before they were in charge. Long gone are the days where a US president would bring the best banter to White House events, and in are the days where trans people mean less than golf courses (of course that's just Donald). Just when we feel a little hopeless in a world where no decent politician is left, Justin Trudeau pops up again.

Whilst I'm no follower of Canadian politics, I know that the much-loved Canadian Prime Minister has spoken out on many topics that the likes of Trump would undermine, ignore or refute.

Whilst in New York this week for the 72nd General Assembly, Trudeau made an appearance at Madison Square Garden with his wife Sophie for a UN youth campaign. At the HeForShe event, Trudeau said: ‘Being a feminist for me means recognising that men and women should be, can be, must be equal, and secondly that we still have an awful lot of work to do.’

Credit: Rex

Credit: Rex

‘I am proud to stand here during UN week here in New York and advocate for HeForShe. HeForShe is a UN movement that I hope all of you will go and sign up for,’ he added, talking to the audience. ‘Of men standing up for women – men shutting down some of those negative conversations that we get in locker rooms, in "bro culture" – we need to know that we are better than that.’

There's the constant debate between many as to whether men can be feminists or just allies, but regardless of where any of us stand, we have to appreciate that Trudeau is one of the very few men in power who have any real interest in giving women their voice, and using his platform to promote feminism. Previously, he'd met with Emma Watson - a HeForShe ambassador - to talk about feminism and how 'lad culture' can be eradicated in order to create change towards true gender equality.

‘How we treat our sisters, our girlfriends, our cousins, our mothers and the world around us matters,' he continued. 'We need to take back what it means to be a man and that means being open, compassionate, respectful and brave about standing up for it.’

You can find out more or sign up to the HeForShe campaign here.

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