kicking beauty standards to the kerb since 2016

ASOS Leads The Charge To Drop Airbrushing Across Mainstream E-Commerce Outlets

ASOS Leads The Charge To Drop Airbrushing Across Mainstream E-Commerce Outlets

Shopping online is something that can be easy peasy to some and super tricky for others. The images that show off garments more often than not can be misleading, with both the clothes and the models being altered to showcase the products in the best possible way. We're all used to hearing that 'the models don't even look like that', but it's often disheartening when it comes to you trusting a retailer and not being sure whether you're getting the real deal or not.

The world of online shopping has seen some horrendous attempts at airbrushing their models, but that's for another post. What we're here to talk about today is ASOS and their latest swimwear pictures featuring cellulite, stretch marks and all other forms of skin imperfections that we should be allowed to embrace.



The online retailer has received a tonne of praise with this change in their post-production rules, and will probably find their sales rocketing as a result of women having the confidence to wear products and showing off their 'flaws'. Fingers crossed that ASOS will realise how great this is and take this beyond just a few photos, and eventually allow unedited pictures take over the entire site. Here's also hoping that their competitors see the positive response to such changes and begin to follow suit.

The fashion industry - women's in particular - is riddled with unrealistic ideals that make women trapped in their love for style, and mainstream outlets breaking down barriers and throwing middle fingers up at beauty standards will definitely help women to not only fall back in love with fashion, but with their bodies.

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Janet Mock Tackles Pretty Privilege: It's Real, And It's Being Ignored

Janet Mock Tackles Pretty Privilege: It's Real, And It's Being Ignored

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